Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hellooo! :)

Hey there guys and dolls.  Welcome to my new (and possibly very boring blog.)  I'm not that exciting of a person, so we'll see how interesting I can make this!  I titled this random thoughts because welllll, I have a lot of random thoughts that wander through my little mind everyday, and some are SO random, I felt the need to share :)  I will try to post about everything I love: music, fashion, celebrities, etc.  So please try to enjoy ;)

My random thought of the day: So as I was watching American Idol with my roommates, I just kept wondering what makes a person sing so well?  Like what is it that differentiates me from sayyyy CHRISTINA AGUILERA (yes, I know she's recently fallen off her rocker, but that girl can SING.)  I just don't get it.  I was so amazed by some of the ladies tonight (particularly Pia Toscano) that I would be totally and completely happy if I could sing half as well as some of them.

See, I told you my thoughts were random!  And I know there will be many more to come ;)


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