Thursday, March 31, 2011

My new obsession? BIG EARRINGS

I don't know if it's because I have shorter hair and my earrings show more, or if my tastes are just maturing, but I've recently become obsessed with big, dangly earrings. I used to haatteee big dangly or hoop earrings, but not anymore! They are just so fun and can make the most simple outfit look cute and more dressed up. They come in so many sizes, colors, and shapes it's hard not to become obsessed.

Forever 21- $5.80

Forever 21- $2.80

Forever 21- $2.80

Forever 21- $2.80

Forever 21- $3.80

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Product Review: Sally Hansen Salon Effects Nail Polish Strips

This past week/week and a half has been soo incredibly hectic!  A combination of the last part of spring break and studying for not one but TWO tests the week after spring break along with being nasty sick has made updating my blog the last thing on my mind.  My apologies to the few of you who actually read this thing :)

I've been meaning to write about this for a while now!  Probably about a month ago, I tried these new Sally Hansen nail polish stickers. These little things kept catching my eye on my weekly Target trip, so I told myself that it has to be a sign that I try these things out.  I was skeptical because 1) they claimed to last up to 10 days, and I just couldn't see them lasting that long, and 2) I have acrylic nails and wasn't sure how well they would stay on.  But I thought what the heck?  So I paid my $9 and bought the pretty pink sparkly ones :)  Overall, they are pretty simple to do.  It does take a little longer than actually painting your nails- it took me about an hour- but that's just because if you rush and aren't careful, they will look janky.  But since I took my time (and because I'm a perfectionist), they looked really good.  And to make me even more happy with them, they lasted about 2 weeks with minimal chips, peeling, etc.  When you're ready to take them off, they remove easily with nail polish remover, and they don't leave any gunk or residue behind!  I would definitely recommend them to anyone! :)



I liked them so much, I put them on my toes.  Don't judge my janky foot.
The pink sparkly stickers on my hands are called "Bling it On".
The flowery ones on my toes are called "Girl Flower".  I only put a strip on my big toe because my other toenails are so small I thought it kind of would have been a waste on my other toes.
I definitely recommend these!  You can get them at Walmart, Target, Ulta, or anywhere that sells Sally Hansen products.  They are about $9, which does seem kind of pricy just for nail stickers, but TRUST ME, they are worth every penny.  And they come in 24 different colors and prints, like camo, hot pink, glitter, lace and houndstooth, so you're guaranteed to find one that you just have to have :)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Really Vanessa Hudgens?!

Well long time, no blog my peepz.  I apologize, I had a test right before spring break that I was studying my butt off for and well, spring break has made me really lazy ;)  ANYWAY!  As I was being lazy and checking up on all the latest celeb gossip, I saw that Vanessa Hudgens had MORE nude photos leaked yet again.  This is not the first, not the second, but the THIRD time in five years that nakey photos of her have leaked.  Really?! How stupid do you have to be??  I understand that something like this is beyondddd embarrassing, but it just screams she ain't nothin' but a 304.  After these new pictures were leaked, she stated that she was angry and has learned her lesson.  Uhhh, shouldn't she have learned her lesson the first time this happened?!  I understand that all her nude pics were most likely taken for a boyfriend, and what you do in your own time/privacy is your own business, but if you insist on taking a nude picture of yourself, don't put your face in it, especiallyyyy if you are a celebrity, let alone a Disney star and a role model for many young girls.  I'm just counting down the days for nude pictures of the ever so wholesome Miley Cyrus to surface...


Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekend Recap

I hope everyone had a marvelous Monday!  My was pretty good & relaxing :)  While I should be studying for my  survey of historic and contemporary costumes test that is on Thursday, I'm going to blog about my weekend instead.  Procrastination at it's finest.

FRIDAY: I had to wake up early to go to a fashion tour on campus.  Plus side? I love love love clothes and anything about clothes,  so I definitely didn't mind getting up early to go look at them.  Down side? Getting up early was not an easy thing to do after a night of jello shots with some friends.  After the tour was over, I went back to my apartment, stuffed my bag full of clothes, makeup, and hair products, then headed on my merry way to Garland.  Once there, I hung out with my best friend from home.  And of course, us hanging out all day led to a sleepover that involved a lot of hookah and making plans for Spring Break (yes, I'm 21 years old and still call them sleepovers).
SATURDAY: Woke up, went to lunch with my dad and grandma (cue the sweet little aww's), then it was back to Brittany's for more SB plan-making.  And being the super Facebook stalkers we are, we found some news that further proves guys are all douchebags :)
SUNDAY: After waking up at 1:30, I continued to stay in bed for another hour, then got ready for lunch and shopping with my mom.  We went to Jason's Deli then the mall, where she bought me some cuteee clothes from where else? Forever 21 :)  Since we didn't have officer meeting Sunday night, I stayed in good ol' Garland for another night.

See, told you my life isn't that exciting ;)

After our discovery Saturday night, this made me think:  Is there such a thing as being someone's "good luck" charm?  I feel like Good Luck Chuck, the movie where Dane Cook dates a woman, then the next guy she dates after him, she marries.  That seems about how my life is going.  Not that the guys I've dated are getting married, but after MONTHS of dating/talking, they somehow manage to get a girlfriend after we stop talking.  But WHATEVER, I definitelllyyyy don't need a man.  Who needs a guy when you have such wonderful friends in your life? ♥


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Three Words: MUMFORD & SONS

So obviouslyyy this post is going to be about Mumford & Sons, one of my favorite bands EVER. (I'm actually listening to them as we speak, imagine that! haha)  I saw their performance on the Grammy's this year and was blowwnnnn away, so I decided to buy their CD.  Yes, I bought their album after they performed/were nominated at the Grammy's, but I did listen to them before that ;)  I've pretty much been listening to them non-stop since then.  UH-MAZ-INGGG.  Since they're from England, they mainly tour over in Europe, but I'm praying for them to do a U.S. tour and come to the Dallas area.  I think that everyone should go listen to them!  They are a little different from mainstream music, but I think they are amazing.  (HINT HINT: their CD is only $9.99 on iTunes ;))


Friday, March 4, 2011

Scarlet Johansson and,... WHO?!

So as I was recently reading my daily celebrity gossip, there was a headline that read "Scarlet's Mexico Getaway".  So I clicked on it to read more and who do I see that  went with her on this getaway? SEAN PENN.  Who would have thought SCARLET JOHANSSON and SEAN PENN would be going on vacations together?!  And so soon after her divorce from the ever-sexy Ryan Reynolds?!  Now I'm all for dating people older/younger than you (Little known fact about myself: I am a cougar. And a proud one at that.  Guess the secret isn't so little known anymore). Anyway, I just think the two of them together is oogey.  She's soo gorgeous, and him?  Not so much.  (Another little known fact about me: Scarlet is my woman-crush.  Don't judge).  But it's whatever makes them happy I guess...

And this leads me to my daily random thought: If I were a celebrity, which I will be one day, who would my celebrity boyfriend be?  I've given this a lot of thought. I may even have a pretend celeb bf in my head... Again, please don't judge me :(  But I'd like to think that my celeb bf would be Taylor Lautner or Cory Monteith from Glee.  As for Taylor, I think he is just beautiful and he's only 19 (told you I'm a cougar ;)).  And Cory, well he's just tall, cute, AND he can sing.  The total package.  In my head, they are both my boyfriend :)))


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hellooo! :)

Hey there guys and dolls.  Welcome to my new (and possibly very boring blog.)  I'm not that exciting of a person, so we'll see how interesting I can make this!  I titled this random thoughts because welllll, I have a lot of random thoughts that wander through my little mind everyday, and some are SO random, I felt the need to share :)  I will try to post about everything I love: music, fashion, celebrities, etc.  So please try to enjoy ;)

My random thought of the day: So as I was watching American Idol with my roommates, I just kept wondering what makes a person sing so well?  Like what is it that differentiates me from sayyyy CHRISTINA AGUILERA (yes, I know she's recently fallen off her rocker, but that girl can SING.)  I just don't get it.  I was so amazed by some of the ladies tonight (particularly Pia Toscano) that I would be totally and completely happy if I could sing half as well as some of them.

See, I told you my thoughts were random!  And I know there will be many more to come ;)